vvH, H->gg Analysis
Estimated reading time: 1 minute- You may find the project at http://cepcgit.ihep.ac.cn/Dan/validation.git. The website is open to register. When you can access the project, use
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The Boson Mass resolution (BMR) is used as a standard expression of performance in CEPC. It is defined as the mass resolution of the hadronic system. In order to focus on the performance of the detectors or reconstructions, the events with ISR photons, with neutrinos from Higgs, or with jets shooting to the endcaps are not taken into account. The samples used in the following sections is ννH events with H -> gg. In this exmaple, we will draw a plot of invariant mass of di-gluon for the channel of and get the default BMR. The simulated sample is stored on the ihep cluster: /cefs/higgs/yudan/Validation/nnhgg
The default reconstruction steering file is at http://cepcgit.ihep.ac.cn/Dan/validation/-/blob/master/bmr/reco.xml. This file can be used in any general CEPCV4 reconstruction analysis. To reconstuct all the files you can run http://cepcgit.ihep.ac.cn/Dan/validation/-/blob/master/bmr/subReco.sh, and then merge all the produced root files.
The invairant mass is shown as bellow:
As metioned, the events with ISR photons, with neutrinos from Higgs, or with jets shooting to the endcaps are not taken into account. The drawing script is http://cepcgit.ihep.ac.cn/Dan/validation/-/blob/master/bmr/bmr.C. The BMR is calculated as from the fit result.