Full Simulation

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This web site only introduce how to use MokkaC and how to decide whether MokkaC is rightly run. About the detail of Mokka for developing, it can refer to the CEPC NOTE CEPC-SIMU-2017-001.

User’s Guide

Of course, the environment of CEPC software should be ready before running a Mokka simulating job. To check whether the environment is ready, input the following command at terminal:

which Mokka

If right environment, you will get


If no,

/usr/bin/which: no Mokka in (balabala...)

Use command to run a foregroud job

Mokka cepc_v4.macro


/Mokka/init/BatchMode true
/Mokka/init/printLevel 2
/Mokka/init/detectorModel CEPC_v4

/Mokka/init/user consult
/Mokka/init/dbPasswd consult

/Mokka/init/randomSeed 1000

#Output lcio file
/Mokka/init/lcioFilename     cepc.slcio

#option file for generator
/Mokka/init/initialMacroFile ../event.macro

#Delete previous lcioFile and create a new file, if want to append to old lcioFile, use WRITE_APPEND
/Mokka/init/lcioWriteMode WRITE_NEW

#Option to save step information in a CalorimeterHit
#/Mokka/init/lcioDetailedShowerMode true
#/Mokka/init/lcioStoreCalHitPosition true

#Option to save momentum of particle to cause TrackerHit, user can choice one or more of these collections
#/Mokka/init/lcioDetailedTRKHitMode VXDCollection SITCollection TPCCollection SETCollection FTD_PIXELCollection FTD_STRIPCollection

#/Mokka/init/outDirName ./
#/Mokka/init/visumode true


/generator/generator particleGun
/gun/position 0 0 0 mm
/gun/direction 1 0 0
/gun/directionSmearingMode uniform
/gun/thetaSmearing 89 deg
/gun/phiSmearing 180 deg
/gun/momentum 75 GeV
/gun/momentumSmearingMode uniform
/gun/momentumSmearing 74.9 GeV
/gun/particle mu-
/run/beamOn 100


/generator/generator /besfs/groups/higgs/data/Fast_Simulation/wo_beamstruhlung/e2e2h_exclusive/E250-CDR_ws.Pe2e2h_ww.eU.pU.001.stdhep
/run/beamOn 100

Quick check