How to Contribute to the Web Pages

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Web Site Repository

The content of this web site can be found on GitLab of CEPC. Any changes to this repository will be automatically reflect to the pages on

The write access of will not be open to everyone. CEPC users could follow the instructions on this page to contribute to the web site.


Need account on GitLab

Fork the repository to your own account.


git clone<your_github_user_name>/
git remote add cepcsoft

All these preparations are only needed for the first time. Everything is now ready for writing or modifying the web pages.


  1. Guarantee the local version is the latest.
    git fetch cepcsoft
    git merge cepcsoft/master
  2. Edit files and commit changes.
    git add -A
    git commit
  3. Merge local changes with remote. Resolve conflicts.
    git fetch cepcsoft
    git merge cepcsoft/master
  4. Push to your own repository.
    git push origin master
  5. Create merge request under the forked repository on GitLab.

Merge Request

If you did not create new branch, it should be master here.



Git Reference

Pro Git book

Edit Directly on GitLab

In case you do not have linux environment at hand. This could be done even on the cell phone.

It is no recommended for normal update of the web page, because the conflicts are diffcult to resolve on web.