Release 0.1.0-rc5

Estimated reading time: 1 minute



  • Most package versions are based on ILCSoft v01-17-05
  • Add GCC 4.9.4
  • Include MokkaC version 0.1.1
  • Add Arbor 3.2.1
  • Druid 2.4
  • ROOT 5.34.18
  • Remove RPATH settings in ILCUTIL
  • KalDet changed to 01-13-01 for compatibility with ROOT 5.34.18
  • Patch FastJet for compatibility with GCC 4.9
  • Patch KiTrack for compatibility with ROOT 5.34.18
  • Patch MarlinTPC for compatibility with ROOT 5.34.18
  • Patch CED to remove RPATH setting